So i've created a nursery database that basically has a list of families and the children who go to various nurseries. It stores family address, parents names, children details (date of birth, age, who the children are funded by. It also allows for letters to be sent out via reports.
The database works great but now they've asked my to add occupancy info, which means i need to try to predict on a month by month basis the number of sessions per day a child does.
So i started by creating 2 tables:
I use both tables in a query and i can predict for the entire year the number of sessions a child does, but this leads me to a problem.
At the moment the session info is a single form via tblChildCurrentSessions so if a child does 10 sessions per week for half the year and then changes the sessions to only 5, the query thinks the child has only done 5 sessions the entire year and not 10 sessions for 6 months and 5 sessions for 6 months.
I do record session histoy via:
So you can see straight away that i'm duplicating things which isn't good database design, i know that i might have to re-do the occupancy data on a continuos form and not a single form, but if i do that i would have to have 12 rows from Apri-11 to Mar-12 and then fill in the StrplacementMonAM, strplacementPM..... for every row which is alot of data entry. Then i would have to repeat that process for Apr-12 to Mar-13.
If that's the only way i can do then thats fine, but there has to be a better way.
Maybe since i'm using tblPlacement(Session History)to record a history i could add another field to record the month. I'm not sure what to do, i've been trying to cover every variation of what could happen and i can't see the wood for the trees now.
Here's 1 variation:
When a user selects a month, that month has associated fields
in Apr-11 there are 3 bank holidays whereby the child doesn't attend nursery and therefore the sessions won't be included. So if a child leaves mid april in the query i would have to have something like:
the above code would have to be worked out for all the other months that have bank holidays, this is just one of the problems i'm facing
Other problems that i need to overcome are:
New table design or modify existing one
Work out how to record extra sessions
Work out how to calculate if a child leaves mid month, not to count the sessions for the rest of the month
I have managed based on the current design a query to predict
the number of sessions so i know that i'm on the right track, i just think i need to re-think my table design a bit better.
I've attached a jpg with the data i can get from the database, i'm summarised it in excel as i haven't even started the report yet plus it was just to see if the data was calculating properly.
Can anyone please help
So i've created a nursery database that basically has a list of families and the children who go to various nurseries. It stores family address, parents names, children details (date of birth, age, who the children are funded by. It also allows for letters to be sent out via reports.
The database works great but now they've asked my to add occupancy info, which means i need to try to predict on a month by month basis the number of sessions per day a child does.
So i started by creating 2 tables:
ChildCurrentSessionID autonumber PK
ChildID Number FK
Nursery Number
sessions Number
strplacementMonAM Text
strplacementTueAM Text
strplacementWedAM Text
strplacementThurAM Text
strplacementFriAM Text
strplacementMonPM Text
strplacementTuePM Text
strplacementWedPM Text
strplacementThurPM Text
strplacementFriPM Text
currentsessionstartdate date/time
currentsessionenddate date/time
tblChildPlacement (Occupancy)
lngPlacemendID autonumber PK
ChildID Number FK
lngPlacementMonthYear Number
lngNursery Number
I use both tables in a query and i can predict for the entire year the number of sessions a child does, but this leads me to a problem.
At the moment the session info is a single form via tblChildCurrentSessions so if a child does 10 sessions per week for half the year and then changes the sessions to only 5, the query thinks the child has only done 5 sessions the entire year and not 10 sessions for 6 months and 5 sessions for 6 months.
I do record session histoy via:
tblPlacement (Session History)
PlacementID autonumber
ChildID Number
placementcurrent yes/no
NurseryID Number
startdate date/time
leavedate date/time
sessions Number
placementMon Text
placementTue Text
placementWed Text
placementThur Text
placementFri Text
placementMonPM Text
placementTuePM Text
placementWedPM Text
placementThurPM Text
placementFriPM Text
So you can see straight away that i'm duplicating things which isn't good database design, i know that i might have to re-do the occupancy data on a continuos form and not a single form, but if i do that i would have to have 12 rows from Apri-11 to Mar-12 and then fill in the StrplacementMonAM, strplacementPM..... for every row which is alot of data entry. Then i would have to repeat that process for Apr-12 to Mar-13.
If that's the only way i can do then thats fine, but there has to be a better way.
Maybe since i'm using tblPlacement(Session History)to record a history i could add another field to record the month. I'm not sure what to do, i've been trying to cover every variation of what could happen and i can't see the wood for the trees now.
Here's 1 variation:
When a user selects a month, that month has associated fields
in Apr-11 there are 3 bank holidays whereby the child doesn't attend nursery and therefore the sessions won't be included. So if a child leaves mid april in the query i would have to have something like:
ActualSessions: IIf lngPlacementMonthYear ="Apr-11" and sessionEndDate < 21/04/11,[calculatedsession], iif lngplacement ="Apr-11" and sessionsEndDate < 23/04/11, [calculatedsession]-[AdditionalFridayBankHolidays]......
the above code would have to be worked out for all the other months that have bank holidays, this is just one of the problems i'm facing
Other problems that i need to overcome are:
New table design or modify existing one
Work out how to record extra sessions
Work out how to calculate if a child leaves mid month, not to count the sessions for the rest of the month
I have managed based on the current design a query to predict
the number of sessions so i know that i'm on the right track, i just think i need to re-think my table design a bit better.
I've attached a jpg with the data i can get from the database, i'm summarised it in excel as i haven't even started the report yet plus it was just to see if the data was calculating properly.
Can anyone please help