I want to convert the colum of my table1 to lines in table2:
when I browse my table1: (custmer c(20),Qty N(5))
(custmer) (QTY)
Custmer1 12
Custmer1 5
Custmer1 6
Custmer2 3
Custmer2 8
custmer3 1
every custmer have at max three lines in table1
I want to convert my table to another table2:
(custmer c(20), qty1 N(5),qty2 N(5),qty3 N(5))
(custmer) Qty1 Qty2 Qty3
custmer1 12 5 5
custmer2 3 8 0
custmer3 1 0 0
thank you
I want to convert the colum of my table1 to lines in table2:
when I browse my table1: (custmer c(20),Qty N(5))
(custmer) (QTY)
Custmer1 12
Custmer1 5
Custmer1 6
Custmer2 3
Custmer2 8
custmer3 1
every custmer have at max three lines in table1
I want to convert my table to another table2:
(custmer c(20), qty1 N(5),qty2 N(5),qty3 N(5))
(custmer) Qty1 Qty2 Qty3
custmer1 12 5 5
custmer2 3 8 0
custmer3 1 0 0
thank you