can some one help converting the codes from connection to local tables to linked tables. I have this piece of codes:
for each fld In dbs.TableDefs(tbls(tableNr)).Fields
backuptbl.fields.append backuptbl.createField(fld.name, fld.type)
Next fld
dbs.TableDefs.Append backup
I'm using linked tables now so I need to change tabledefs syntax. can someone help?
thanks in advance,
can some one help converting the codes from connection to local tables to linked tables. I have this piece of codes:
for each fld In dbs.TableDefs(tbls(tableNr)).Fields
backuptbl.fields.append backuptbl.createField(fld.name, fld.type)
Next fld
dbs.TableDefs.Append backup
I'm using linked tables now so I need to change tabledefs syntax. can someone help?
thanks in advance,