I have a form that has several option groups, Enabled property of which is set to .T. in the design, but in the Show method each of them is reset to either .T. or .F. depending on values of other controls. At the start, all of them would be set to .F., since those other controls are not populated.
Then I enter month and year and press the command button I called “Validate”. Upon validation, the code is run which populates the controls in the form, and the fragment with setting the option groups to either .T. or .F. is repeated here (well, I will probably make it into a separate method when I have time and call it when needed, but not yet). Usually first few consecutive groups, if any, are getting enabled, and all the rest stay disabled.
The TabIndex properties of the option groups have values right next after the month/year text box and the “Validate” button; each single option has TabStop set to .T. and TabIndexes 1 and 2 within each group.
So why after I press the “Validate” command button, and then hit the Tab key, it doesn’t stop at the enabled already at this point option groups and goes straight to the next control?