I've got a form with three date fields (along with many other fields). Next to each date textbox I have a hyperlink that opens a popup calendar the user selects a date from. This automatically inserts the date in the textbox. If I don't adjust the TabIndex property, then the hyperlink receives the focus the same as each textbox as the user moves thru the form. If I use TabIndex = -1 for each link, then the link doesn't receive the focus, but if I click the link, the tab order shifts back to the beginning and the user has to tab thru all the original fields again. I would like the focus to move to the next textbox in the tab order once the user has filled in the date (either using the calendar or manually putting in a date). Is there some way to use the Click event inside these link tags
to set the focus to the date field so that the tab order stays intact. Or any other thoughts.
<a href="#" onClick="getCalendarFor(document.setupform.dateofevent);return false">