I'm working with a Rich text format control and when I press the tab key(or shift + tab key), I want to indent/outdent all the selected text (to right or to left) ALSO IF I SELECT MORE THEN ONE LINE.
I realize the following code but does not work exactly.
My problems are:
1)after I examined and substituted the seltext of richtext (character by character) going out from the KeyDown event, the richtext receive my text AND (of course) also the key tab.
How I can avoid to "send" also the tab key to the rich text?
2) Using a string to substitute the text, I will loose the different format of every line/word (like bold, color, etc)
I thought to use another rich text box but... How could I work character by character of every line of the seltext in RTF???
OK, Thanks
Private Sub rtfBox1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyTab Then
If rtfBox1.SelLength > 0 Then
Dim t, t2 as String
Dim Char As String * 1, Char_Prec As String * 1
Dim i_s As Long, i_l As Long, I As Long, len1 As Long
'save seltext and len
i_s = rtfBox1.SelStart
i_l = rtfBox1.SelLength
t = rtfBox1.SelText
len1 = Len(t)
For I = 1 To len1
If Shift = 0 Then 'no shift
Char = Mid(t, I, 1)
If I = 1 Then
t2 = Chr(9) & Char
ElseIf Char = vbCrLf Then
t2 = t2 & Char & Chr(9) 'insert tab
'ElseIf Char = vbCr Then
' t2 = t2 & Char & Chr(9) 'insert tab
ElseIf Char = vbLf Then
t2 = t2 & Char & Chr(9) 'insert tab on linefeed
t2 = t2 & Char
End If
If Char = Chr(9) Or I = 1 Then
If I = 1 Then
If Char = Chr(9) Then
t2 = t2 'remove tab
End If
ElseIf Char_Prec = vbCrLf Then
t2 = t2 'remove tab
'ElseIf Char = vbCr Then
' t2 = t2 'remov tab
ElseIf Char_Prec = vbLf Then
t2 = t2 'remove tab after linefeed
t2 = t2 & Char
End If
End If
Char_Prec = Char
End If
rtfBox1.SelText = t2
'HOW block the key pressed???????
'reset seltext selection
rtfBox1.SelStart = i_s
rtfBox1.SelLength = Len(t2)
End If
End If
end sub
I'm working with a Rich text format control and when I press the tab key(or shift + tab key), I want to indent/outdent all the selected text (to right or to left) ALSO IF I SELECT MORE THEN ONE LINE.
I realize the following code but does not work exactly.
My problems are:
1)after I examined and substituted the seltext of richtext (character by character) going out from the KeyDown event, the richtext receive my text AND (of course) also the key tab.
How I can avoid to "send" also the tab key to the rich text?
2) Using a string to substitute the text, I will loose the different format of every line/word (like bold, color, etc)
I thought to use another rich text box but... How could I work character by character of every line of the seltext in RTF???
OK, Thanks
Private Sub rtfBox1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyTab Then
If rtfBox1.SelLength > 0 Then
Dim t, t2 as String
Dim Char As String * 1, Char_Prec As String * 1
Dim i_s As Long, i_l As Long, I As Long, len1 As Long
'save seltext and len
i_s = rtfBox1.SelStart
i_l = rtfBox1.SelLength
t = rtfBox1.SelText
len1 = Len(t)
For I = 1 To len1
If Shift = 0 Then 'no shift
Char = Mid(t, I, 1)
If I = 1 Then
t2 = Chr(9) & Char
ElseIf Char = vbCrLf Then
t2 = t2 & Char & Chr(9) 'insert tab
'ElseIf Char = vbCr Then
' t2 = t2 & Char & Chr(9) 'insert tab
ElseIf Char = vbLf Then
t2 = t2 & Char & Chr(9) 'insert tab on linefeed
t2 = t2 & Char
End If
If Char = Chr(9) Or I = 1 Then
If I = 1 Then
If Char = Chr(9) Then
t2 = t2 'remove tab
End If
ElseIf Char_Prec = vbCrLf Then
t2 = t2 'remove tab
'ElseIf Char = vbCr Then
' t2 = t2 'remov tab
ElseIf Char_Prec = vbLf Then
t2 = t2 'remove tab after linefeed
t2 = t2 & Char
End If
End If
Char_Prec = Char
End If
rtfBox1.SelText = t2
'HOW block the key pressed???????
'reset seltext selection
rtfBox1.SelStart = i_s
rtfBox1.SelLength = Len(t2)
End If
End If
end sub