Is there any way to know which key is the last that has been pressed, independently of the event of a control? The KeyPress or KeyDown events of a command button or text box are not useful for me in this case, because I'm using a MSFlexGrid control, and the LostFocus event (triggered when I hit the tab key) doesn't receive the key pressed as parameter.
Any other way to handle the event of a Tab key in this MSFlexGrid control is also welcome.
Is there any way to know which key is the last that has been pressed, independently of the event of a control? The KeyPress or KeyDown events of a command button or text box are not useful for me in this case, because I'm using a MSFlexGrid control, and the LostFocus event (triggered when I hit the tab key) doesn't receive the key pressed as parameter.
Any other way to handle the event of a Tab key in this MSFlexGrid control is also welcome.