I am modifying a couple of the SQL statements contained within the WNTFY_EVENT_QUERY column in the above table. These records manage the SQL statements that are utilized to create content for the automated emails Project Server sends through Outlook when triggered by a modified task. In modifying the SQL I need to provide the PROJ_ID to the SQL Statement in order to ensure I am retrieving certain records from MSP_TASKS for just a certain project. I have noticed, for instance, that the MSP_WEB_ASSIGNMENTS.WASSN_ID column value is available within these SQL statements represented as (^0). I have also noticed in the MSP_WEB_CONVERSIONS table that other variables such as (^1) contains the Project Name and (^2) contains Delegator name (I think). In any case, I cannot find anywhere in the ton of documentation what these variables equate to. I am certain there has to be one that is passed to these SQL statements in MSP_WEB_NOTIFICATION_EVENTS that contains the Project ID that the modified task is contained within. Does anyone have any further info on this? I appreciate any help!