The system attendant provides logging, monitoring and administrative functions for exchnage. one reason that it is getting so big could be because that it is set to never delete these files.
if you open up exchange administrator and select DOMAIN > SEREVER NAME > Configuration > servers > SERVER NAME then in the right hand pane double click the system attendant. this will show your properties, select "remove log files older than" and set to about 7 days. this should help
Thanks for that tip re the SA mailbox, here's an additional prob though... After a disaster recovery last year I restored and started the priv & pub IS onto a new server complete with new sitename/new server name (don't ask me to do that again!!) trouble is I have a second older SA mailbox for the previous system, and also a second quarantine folder, neither of which can be deleted. They don't seem to cause any bother but still...I'd like them gone - the SA mailbox is several hundred megs I could do with reclaiming. Is there a way to do this via the 'raw' Admin program? Any help appreciated.
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