OK, so the g4 tower gives me a desktop with previous shortcuts and a cross mark on the hard disk, when i have the install cd in cd/rom drive.(it doesn't boot from hd)..
I tried to intall system 9.2 and it complained about a file (liteonCDR or something like it, being on the way and needed to be deleted before 9.2 could be installed.
Q1- If i were to revive the hard disk, what utilities do i need and what are the procedures/options.
Q2- If i were to do a fresh install, what is the procedure, since i couldn't install 9.2? (utilities? process?)
Q3- If I were to have multiple partitions, so i get system X too, how should i go about this? (i also tried to do a system X install and didnt' see an option which allowed for partitioning)
This is my first OS install, as i have never installed mac OS before, the only technical knowledge i have is, how to unload extensions!