Hi all,
I'm currently working on a solaris 8 box and am trying to write a custom logging script in C. Basically, I'm using syslog to write to different files. The basic steps that I'm performing are these:
1. openlog ("imapd",LOG_PID,LOG_MAIL);
2. syslog (LOG_INFO, "attempted connect"
3. closelog();
4. openlog ("imapd",LOG_PID,LOG_LOCAL3);
5. syslog (LOG_INFO, "failed authentication"
However, this doesn't work so well. As you can see I want the first syslog (#2) to go to mail.info in my syslog.conf file and the second syslog (#5) to go to local3.info. But it doesn't. My script just hangs when I hit step 3. Any advice? Thanks. Mike
"It's a Swingline!"
I'm currently working on a solaris 8 box and am trying to write a custom logging script in C. Basically, I'm using syslog to write to different files. The basic steps that I'm performing are these:
1. openlog ("imapd",LOG_PID,LOG_MAIL);
2. syslog (LOG_INFO, "attempted connect"
3. closelog();
4. openlog ("imapd",LOG_PID,LOG_LOCAL3);
5. syslog (LOG_INFO, "failed authentication"
However, this doesn't work so well. As you can see I want the first syslog (#2) to go to mail.info in my syslog.conf file and the second syslog (#5) to go to local3.info. But it doesn't. My script just hangs when I hit step 3. Any advice? Thanks. Mike
"It's a Swingline!"