Can Between...And be used in a VBA SQL statement? I can't seem to find any reference in the Help files and can't get the syntax correct when trying to write it in VBA.
dbs.CreateQueryDef "qry- EMF ARCHIVE", _
"SELECT * FROM [qry- EMF DATA] " _
"WHERE [YRPP] Between " & BegYRPP & " And " &
EndYRPP & ";"
BegYRPP and EndYRPP are variables.
dbs.CreateQueryDef "qry- EMF ARCHIVE", _
"SELECT * FROM [qry- EMF DATA] " _
"WHERE [YRPP] Between " & BegYRPP & " And " &
EndYRPP & ";"
BegYRPP and EndYRPP are variables.