The following two syntaxes work perfectly:
=IIf([End Date] Is Null,Format$([Start Date],"mmmm dd"", ""yyyy"),Format$([Start Date],"mmmm dd"", ""yyyy") & " to " & Format$([End Date],"mmmm dd"", ""yyyy"))
=Trim("Thank you for agreeing to be a faculty member for the " & [Activity Title] & " course for " & [Invitees] & " to be held on " & Format$([Start Date],"mmmm dd") & " to " & Format$([End Date],"mmmm dd") & " at the " & [Location] & ".")
I put the concepts together in the following--but I keep getting a syntax error. It says "You may have entered an operand without an operator." Did I miss an & somewhere?
=IIf ([End Date] Is Null,"Thank you for agreeing to be a faculty member for the " & [Activity Title] & " course for " & [Invitees] & " to be held on " & Format$([Start Date],"mmmm dd") & " at the " & [Location] & ".", "Thank you for agreeing to be a faculty member for the " & [Activity Title] & " course for " & [Invitees] & " to be held on " & Format$([Start Date],"mmmm dd") & “ to "& Format$([End Date],"mmmm dd")& " at the " & [Location] & ".")
Thank you for any help!
=IIf([End Date] Is Null,Format$([Start Date],"mmmm dd"", ""yyyy"),Format$([Start Date],"mmmm dd"", ""yyyy") & " to " & Format$([End Date],"mmmm dd"", ""yyyy"))
=Trim("Thank you for agreeing to be a faculty member for the " & [Activity Title] & " course for " & [Invitees] & " to be held on " & Format$([Start Date],"mmmm dd") & " to " & Format$([End Date],"mmmm dd") & " at the " & [Location] & ".")
I put the concepts together in the following--but I keep getting a syntax error. It says "You may have entered an operand without an operator." Did I miss an & somewhere?
=IIf ([End Date] Is Null,"Thank you for agreeing to be a faculty member for the " & [Activity Title] & " course for " & [Invitees] & " to be held on " & Format$([Start Date],"mmmm dd") & " at the " & [Location] & ".", "Thank you for agreeing to be a faculty member for the " & [Activity Title] & " course for " & [Invitees] & " to be held on " & Format$([Start Date],"mmmm dd") & “ to "& Format$([End Date],"mmmm dd")& " at the " & [Location] & ".")
Thank you for any help!