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Syntax-Error-Handling in REXX (ooREXX vs. Regina)

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Mar 27, 2002
Hi Gurus,

I need your help!

I have the following problem:
Given is a table in file proc_tab.dat:
0001            ABC             nnn              y
0002            ZZZ             nnn              y
0003            XYZ             mmm              N
0004            KPQ             nnn              Y
0005            KKK             nnn              Y
and I want to do a program which reads the table line by line and if it founds in the 4.th column y/Y it executes the procedure which name it constructs dynamically according to the value in 2.column - for example:
1. In the 1.line is in the 4.th column y and in the 2.column ABC, so then program should call the procedure named proc_ABC.
2. In the 4.line we have in the last column Y and in the 2.column KPQ, so the program should call proc_KPQ
3. In the last column of 3.line is N, so there should be nothing called.

Ok, I coded it using the REXX INTERPRET statement as follows:
/*      Main program       */
input_file  = 'proc_tab.dat'

/* Read lines in loop and process them */
do while lines(input_file) \= 0
  line = strip(linein(input_file))
  say "Processing line:"
  say line
  /* strip blanks and uppercase 4.th column*/
  special_process = translate(strip(word(line, 4)))
  if special_process = 'Y' then do
     /*compose procedure name from 2.nd column*/
     procname = "proc_"||translate(strip(word(line, 2)))
     say "creating procname: "||procname
     /* fill arguments */
     arg1 = 'my_argument1'
     arg2 = 'my_argument2'
     /* compose call statement */
     callstmt= "call "||procname||" arg1, arg2"
     say "creating call statement: "||callstmt
     /* call using REXX-interpret-statement */
     say "Try to call procedure.."
     interpret callstmt      
  else do
     say "special_process = '"||special_process||"'=> nothig to do."
/* close file */
call lineout input_file

/*        Procedures       */
proc_ABC: procedure
  parse upper arg arg1, arg2
  say "Processing arguments:"
  say "   arg1='"||arg1||"', arg2='"||arg2||"'"
  say "from proc_ABC"

proc_KPQ: procedure
  parse upper arg arg1, arg2
  say "Processing arguments:"
  say "   arg1='"||arg1||"', arg2='"||arg2||"'"
  say "from proc_KPQ"

But I have not coded all necessary procedures: I forgot proc_ZZZ and proc_KKK. What happens? I guess it fails on syntax error..

Running it with ooREXX gives this result
c:\Users\Roman\Work>rexx proc_pgm_01.rex
Processing line:
0001            ABC             nnn              y
creating procname: proc_ABC
creating call statement: call proc_ABC arg1, arg2
Try to call procedure..
Processing arguments:
   arg1='MY_ARGUMENT1', arg2='MY_ARGUMENT2'
from proc_ABC

Processing line:
0002            ZZZ             nnn              y
creating procname: proc_ZZZ
creating call statement: call proc_ZZZ arg1, arg2
Try to call procedure..
    25 *-*       call proc_ZZZ arg1, arg2
    25 *-*       interpret callstmt
Error 43 running c:\Users\Roman\Work\proc_pgm_01.rex line 25:  Routine not found

Error 43.1:  Could not find routine "PROC_ZZZ"
i.e. it fails as I guessed.

But running it with Regina surprised me:
c:\Users\Roman\Work>regina proc_pgm_01.rex
Processing line:
0001            ABC             nnn              y
creating procname: proc_ABC
creating call statement: call proc_ABC arg1, arg2
Try to call procedure..
Processing arguments:
   arg1='MY_ARGUMENT1', arg2='MY_ARGUMENT2'
from proc_ABC

Processing line:
0002            ZZZ             nnn              y
creating procname: proc_ZZZ
creating call statement: call proc_ZZZ arg1, arg2
Try to call procedure..
'PROC_ZZZ' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Processing line:
0003            XYZ             mmm              N
special_process = 'N'=> nothig to do.

Processing line:
0004            KPQ             nnn              Y
creating procname: proc_KPQ
creating call statement: call proc_KPQ arg1, arg2
Try to call procedure..
Processing arguments:
   arg1='MY_ARGUMENT1', arg2='MY_ARGUMENT2'
from proc_KPQ

Processing line:
0005            KKK             nnn              Y
creating procname: proc_KKK
creating call statement: call proc_KKK arg1, arg2
Try to call procedure..
'PROC_KKK' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Regina processed all 5 lines without aborting!
How it is possible? Is the syntax error behaviour of REXX not standardized?

To make the program more robust and suitable for ooREXX I coded the syntax error trapping in (new added code is [red]red[/red]):
/*      Main program       */
input_file  = 'proc_tab.dat'

/* Read lines in loop and process them */
do while lines(input_file) \= 0
  line = strip(linein(input_file))
  say "Processing line:"
  say line
  /* strip blanks and uppercase 4.th column*/
  special_process = translate(strip(word(line, 4)))
  if special_process = 'Y' then do
     /*compose procedure name from 2.nd column*/
     procname = "proc_"||translate(strip(word(line, 2)))
     say "creating procname: "||procname
     /* fill arguments */
     arg1 = 'my_argument1'
     arg2 = 'my_argument2'
     /* compose call statement */
     callstmt= "call "||procname||" arg1, arg2"
     say "creating call statement: "||callstmt
     /* call using REXX-interpret-statement */
     say "Try to call procedure.."
     [red]signal on syntax name interpret_error[/red]
     interpret callstmt
  else do
     say "special_process = '"||special_process||"'=> nothig to do."
/* close file */
call lineout input_file

/*        Procedures       */
proc_ABC: procedure
  parse upper arg arg1, arg2
  say "Processing arguments:"
  say "   arg1='"||arg1||"', arg2='"||arg2||"'"
  say "from proc_ABC"

proc_KPQ: procedure
  parse upper arg arg1, arg2
  say "Processing arguments:"
  say "   arg1='"||arg1||"', arg2='"||arg2||"'"
  say "from proc_KPQ"
  say "Error RC="||RC 
  if RC='43' then do
    say "**********************************************"
    say "*Procedure "||procname||" not defined in program !*"
    say "**********************************************"
    /* Continue with next line*/
    signal process_lines
  else do
    say errortext(RC)

With ooREXX the new program runs as I expected
c:\Users\Roman\Work>rexx proc_pgm_02.rex
Processing line:
0001            ABC             nnn              y
creating procname: proc_ABC
creating call statement: call proc_ABC arg1, arg2
Try to call procedure..
Processing arguments:
   arg1='MY_ARGUMENT1', arg2='MY_ARGUMENT2'
from proc_ABC

Processing line:
0002            ZZZ             nnn              y
creating procname: proc_ZZZ
creating call statement: call proc_ZZZ arg1, arg2
Try to call procedure..
Error RC=43
*Procedure proc_ZZZ not defined in program !*

Processing line:
0003            XYZ             mmm              N
special_process = 'N'=> nothig to do.

Processing line:
0004            KPQ             nnn              Y
creating procname: proc_KPQ
creating call statement: call proc_KPQ arg1, arg2
Try to call procedure..
Processing arguments:
   arg1='MY_ARGUMENT1', arg2='MY_ARGUMENT2'
from proc_KPQ

Processing line:
0005            KKK             nnn              Y
creating procname: proc_KKK
creating call statement: call proc_KKK arg1, arg2
Try to call procedure..
Error RC=43
*Procedure proc_KKK not defined in program !*

But if I try it with Regina it ignores all syntax error handling I coded in
Processing line:
0001            ABC             nnn              y
creating procname: proc_ABC
creating call statement: call proc_ABC arg1, arg2
Try to call procedure..
Processing arguments:
   arg1='MY_ARGUMENT1', arg2='MY_ARGUMENT2'
from proc_ABC

Processing line:
0002            ZZZ             nnn              y
creating procname: proc_ZZZ
creating call statement: call proc_ZZZ arg1, arg2
Try to call procedure..
'PROC_ZZZ' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Processing line:
0003            XYZ             mmm              N
special_process = 'N'=> nothig to do.

Processing line:
0004            KPQ             nnn              Y
creating procname: proc_KPQ
creating call statement: call proc_KPQ arg1, arg2
Try to call procedure..
Processing arguments:
   arg1='MY_ARGUMENT1', arg2='MY_ARGUMENT2'
from proc_KPQ

Processing line:
0005            KKK             nnn              Y
creating procname: proc_KKK
creating call statement: call proc_KKK arg1, arg2
Try to call procedure..
'PROC_KKK' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Why has Regina other syntax error handling as ooREXX?
Did I do something wrong?
Is there a better way to do in REXX what i done?

Your help is most appreciated!
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