I have a main form which shows Route details and a tab control on the form that displays Parts on the Route. There are 4 tabs each with a subform. I have all the subforms displaying the correct records in the correct order. What I would like to do is - if the user selects a row (part number) on a tab(subform) and then changes tabs to have the same row(part number) selected. I have been trying to use the main form detail tag to store the current row part number but that is not working, or at least I can't figure it out.
Would someone with experience with this please point me in a direction?
I thought it would be simple but sheesh.
I use the main forms tab control change event to do some things and figure that is where I need to set this up.
Private Sub tabctlBaseRouteAssignment_Change()
intTabPage = Me!tabctlBaseRouteAssignment
If intTabPage = 0 Then
cmdRecalcMinutes.Visible = True
cmdDelRouteAssignment.Visible = True
cmdReassignPartRoute.Visible = True
cmdAddToRoute.Visible = True
cmdUpdateStation.Visible = True
cmdRecalcMinutes.Visible = False
cmdDelRouteAssignment.Visible = False
cmdReassignPartRoute.Visible = False
cmdAddToRoute.Visible = False
cmdUpdateStation.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Would someone with experience with this please point me in a direction?
I thought it would be simple but sheesh.
I use the main forms tab control change event to do some things and figure that is where I need to set this up.
Private Sub tabctlBaseRouteAssignment_Change()
intTabPage = Me!tabctlBaseRouteAssignment
If intTabPage = 0 Then
cmdRecalcMinutes.Visible = True
cmdDelRouteAssignment.Visible = True
cmdReassignPartRoute.Visible = True
cmdAddToRoute.Visible = True
cmdUpdateStation.Visible = True
cmdRecalcMinutes.Visible = False
cmdDelRouteAssignment.Visible = False
cmdReassignPartRoute.Visible = False
cmdAddToRoute.Visible = False
cmdUpdateStation.Visible = False
End If
End Sub