I have an acess DB on my laptop in a shared folder. However when my laptop is not connected, I need to be able to enter new data on my desk top. What is the easiest way to synchronize the 2 when the laptop is connected again?
Thanks, Bill
Exactly what does that mean, more specifically, where is the data? If the data is on a network accessed from either your laptop or your PC, then there should be no problem.
If you are directly connecting your laptop and PC, and the data is on the laptop, then where is the data that you enter on your PC going?
I find myself wondering why you have this arrangement.
lynchg, I need to be able to input data on the road. My secretary is back at the office and also has need to enter data when I am not there.
The data resides currently on the laptop and is shared through a local router to the desktop on her desk.
I installed an mde file for her to use but the data she enters has to be manually transferred to the original db. -Double work and a recipe for disaster-
If you don't have them already, I would add audit fields to your tables (date created, created by, last updated date, last updated by). Then you can easily distinguish which records were added or changed and by whom.
With that information you could write updates and/or inserts to move the data from her version to the master version.
It is a little clunky, but if you are manually copying from one and pasting into the other, then this will speed up that process and cut down on errors.
Well, perhaps you are talking to the wrong group of nerds. There is another way to approach this problem. Find some Windows nerds and ask them about IIS.
IIS is part of the Windows operating system. It maintains "virtual directories". Those are sorta like the folders you see on "C", but you can access them via the Internet. Potentially a windows dude could put that little database in a virtual directory. The virtual directory would need to exist on your company's web server. He could then create a "network place" on your notebook and the secritary's PC. That way you could both use the SAME db. So under my scenario, you would never need to synchronize.
Another advantage of this approach is automatic backup. Whenever the engineers backed up the web server, your db would be backed up.
There are some potential weaknesses to this approach. My idea assumes that your company has a web server and competent network engineers. Also, you and she could not use the db simultaneously. Most Access .mdbs can only accomodate one user. Finally, you would need to get online before entering records.
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