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Synchronisation again and again ...

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May 22, 2003
In my database, I use replicatoin to allow some users to have the data on their laptop, without being connected to the serveur.

After a whole week to setup replication and synchronisation in the base, i thougt all was fine ...

Today, I modified the structure of a table, adding a field named P. Since, I'm unable to synchronise Master and replica !!!
->If I remove P field, I get an error saying that synchronisation was impossible because the table is open in one of the two replca (but I'm really sure it isn't !!)
->else, I get another error : syntax error, an operator is missing.

Is there any way to fix the problem (I tried to look in MSysSchModifeid table, but it is readonly so I can fix the problem there

Do you have any solution, or do you know any place with someone able to fix my problem !?

Thanks in advance
You will probably not get many responders to Synchronization issues because these databases present ongoing problems. I've kept one limping along for a year that I "inherited" at work. But don't worry, yours CAN be fixed.
First of all, the big question is did you save a copy of the regular database before you created the design master and replica set?
1. If you did, you can use it as your starting point for implementing design changes.
b. Working from the copy, delete the empty tables and import the tables containing your data from the master.
c. Open all tables in design and delete the system created fields.
d. Update the table in question with the new field.
e. Make this database the new master.
f. Create all new replicas.

2. If you do not have a copy of the regular DB, you will need to convert the master back into a regular DB. This is more complicated, so write back to this forum or contact me directly if you will need to do this.
I don't know if I can include an actual email addr here, so I am writing it in parts:
work - sph2541 @ bjc.org
home - susanhawk @ juno.com

Good luck
OK, thanks susanhawk !

I know Replication presents many many problems, but I didn't have the choice ...

I did save the database before replicating it ... but It was a month ago, so I don't want to lose one month of work !!!

Since the master database doesn't countain any data (I use it to develop the database while users work in the replica), I think I can make the replica (where users are working) as a master replica, can't I ? If I do so, I will lost (only...) one day of work.

Give me your advice about this solution, and thaks again for replying for this kind of subject !!!
yes, you can make the replica the new master. sounds like you've solved your own problem!!
Yep ! But with this method, I have lost all the work I did yesterday. Next time I'll synchronise every hour !!!
The sync database I've been working with has three replicas and the two laptop replicas sync to the office replica every day, and they are compacted before the sync. Then at the end of the week the office copy is syncronized with the master. We can usually keep going for several months before problems crop up.
When a design change is called for, all copies are compacted twice, then synchronized and backed up before changes in the master are made.
Keep my email addresses if you like in case you have further issues. I'm not as regular to these forums as I would like to be.
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