I have a Palm IIIxe that I am trying to synch with Lotus Notes (R5.0.8) on Windows 2000 (SP2 with high encryption pack) via serial cradle. I have tried to synch up using Intellisynch and Easysynch and both will fail (the error in Intellisynch is "Insufficient memory to proceed and the error in Easysynch is "Failed to initialize Notes session"I have checked the Palm, Intellisynch, MS, and Lotus websites to no avail and I have called Palm and Puma Tech (Intellisynch) support, also to no avail (they were really good at blaming each other's products, though.) I have also read through both read-me files. The Palm desktop software is v4.01 with the Palm OS at v.3.53.
Any help would be appreciated.
Any help would be appreciated.