Hello, first time poster here.
I have a question about syncing, I have a client that is complaing with the following error message;
"Unable to delete created files from path d:\program files\goldminSynWizProf\3048702\USERWITHHELD\Out\Working\-The Process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.|"
I can't figure out what file is in use, does anybody have any insite about this error. It's really driving me crazy. Thank you for your time.
I have a question about syncing, I have a client that is complaing with the following error message;
"Unable to delete created files from path d:\program files\goldminSynWizProf\3048702\USERWITHHELD\Out\Working\-The Process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.|"
I can't figure out what file is in use, does anybody have any insite about this error. It's really driving me crazy. Thank you for your time.