I've searched through this forum for information on ln with Linux, but I haven't been able to find an answer to my problem.
I've got a Perl script on a server running Redhat Linux 9.
The script takes a switch from the command line and runs a daily, weekly, or monthly version of a report depending on which switch is used.
I've got separate crontab directories for daily, weekly, and monthly scripts. Crontab uses the run-parts command to run everything in each of these directories at the scheduled time. These directories contain symbolic links to the scripts that are to be run.
This is my first time trying to schedule a script to run with a command line switch.
From the command line, I can execute the script by entering
./report.pl -d
./report.pl -m
I tried creating a link like:
ln -s /home/nps/reports/report.pl -w weekly_rpt
ln -s '/home/nps/reports/report.pl -w' weekly_rpt
But I can't get it to work.
Rott Paws
...It's not a bug. It's an undocumented feature!!!
I've got a Perl script on a server running Redhat Linux 9.
The script takes a switch from the command line and runs a daily, weekly, or monthly version of a report depending on which switch is used.
I've got separate crontab directories for daily, weekly, and monthly scripts. Crontab uses the run-parts command to run everything in each of these directories at the scheduled time. These directories contain symbolic links to the scripts that are to be run.
This is my first time trying to schedule a script to run with a command line switch.
From the command line, I can execute the script by entering
./report.pl -d
./report.pl -m
I tried creating a link like:
ln -s /home/nps/reports/report.pl -w weekly_rpt
ln -s '/home/nps/reports/report.pl -w' weekly_rpt
But I can't get it to work.
Rott Paws
...It's not a bug. It's an undocumented feature!!!