Howdy, I have the Symantec 200R Firewall/VPN appliance.
I am noticing that Instant messenger programs will detect a very fast drop of internet connection and close connection to it. Workstations using terminal services will disconnect almost immediately.
They are micro-drops - as someone browsing a website will barely notice anything is happening. But it will continue to do it time after time again.
Soon as I restart the router, it smooths out again. and no problems for a day or so.
Further info.
I removed logging except for system activity and debug information.
Which stopped it from dropping the connection quite as abruptly.
However, Some workstations were still reporting they were being
dropped every 24 hrs for roughly 45 minutes (until the point I reset
the machine).
Now if I restarted the router through the browser it would delay the
droppings for about 4 more hours - and I would need to reset the
appliance again.
I have zero errors coming through during the times of the disconnects,
but I do have the following errors showing up at different times.
tc_interface_send: xmit dropped, out list full: num in que =
ERROR Report: ICMP UNREACHABLE RCVD, subreason = 0x00000003
ERROR Report: Socket Number = 0xfffffff
There are no common OS's between which are being dropped, the workstations are on different switches instead of just one switch. Several of the affected workstations have been moved to 100/half duplex to no effect.
I would appreciate any suggestions.
Thank you
"Never underestimate the power of determination"
I am noticing that Instant messenger programs will detect a very fast drop of internet connection and close connection to it. Workstations using terminal services will disconnect almost immediately.
They are micro-drops - as someone browsing a website will barely notice anything is happening. But it will continue to do it time after time again.
Soon as I restart the router, it smooths out again. and no problems for a day or so.
Further info.
I removed logging except for system activity and debug information.
Which stopped it from dropping the connection quite as abruptly.
However, Some workstations were still reporting they were being
dropped every 24 hrs for roughly 45 minutes (until the point I reset
the machine).
Now if I restarted the router through the browser it would delay the
droppings for about 4 more hours - and I would need to reset the
appliance again.
I have zero errors coming through during the times of the disconnects,
but I do have the following errors showing up at different times.
tc_interface_send: xmit dropped, out list full: num in que =
ERROR Report: ICMP UNREACHABLE RCVD, subreason = 0x00000003
ERROR Report: Socket Number = 0xfffffff
There are no common OS's between which are being dropped, the workstations are on different switches instead of just one switch. Several of the affected workstations have been moved to 100/half duplex to no effect.
I would appreciate any suggestions.
Thank you
"Never underestimate the power of determination"