Sybase ASE 12.0 Install Connectivity Problems. I am always getting errors when I try to install Sybase ASE. The most common errors is Windows NT system error 131 and basis_dsizecheck: attempt to seek to page ..... whenever I try to make a database of 4 gigs. I ame very new to the sybase arena so be kind and please help me out. I also cant get the Server Config to properly set up the XP database. The name of my adaptive server is STEVE so Sybase creates STEVE_XP (which never configures right), STEVE_MA and STEVE_BA. I am trying to restore a database. That is a whole other ballpark. What files do I use for restoring a database. Is it the *dmp.dat or just the .dat files. Or do I have to restore the log file?? SO many questions. Thanks to all in advance that may help shed some light on my subject.