I have a system using DID trunks. The Night 1 answer point has always been a cordless telephone with Tenant 1. The customer recently informed me that when someone calls the main number when the system is in Night1, the LDN key on the console rings. I checked form 55 and confirmed that answer points for Day and Night1 were correct. The tenant for the console, cordless and PRI trunks are all set to 1.
In form 55, I changed the day answer point to the cordless extension, called the main number and the console rang.
I changed the day answer point to an IP phone extension, called the main number and the console rang. The tenant of that IP phone is 1.
I changed the day answer point to the fax extension, called the main number and the fax machine rang. The tenant of the fax ext is 7.
I change the tenant of the cordless to 2 (Guest Rooms), called the main number and the cordless rang.
This system has been installed for a couple of years and this is the first time such an issue has occurred or at least the first time I was notified about it. If the cordless shares the same tenant as the trunks and IP phones, why won't it ring when placed in Night1? In form 6 - Tenant Night Switching Control, tenant 1 is set to Switched for tenants 2-7...and now 8.
This is in a hotel so I have tenanting set up as follows:
1: IP phones & trunks
2: Guest
3: Elevator
4: Pool
5: House phones
6: Vmail
7: Fax
Tenant 1 can call all other tenants
Tenants 2-6 can call other phones in their tenants or only tenant 1.
I assigned tenant 8 to the cordless. Tenant 8 can call all tenants. When the system is in Night1 and I call the main number, the cordless rings.
Any ideas as to why the cordless extension, has tenant 1 assigned to it, will not ring, when the system is set to Night1? I've got it working for now but I'd like to know why so I can learn from it. Thanks
In form 55, I changed the day answer point to the cordless extension, called the main number and the console rang.
I changed the day answer point to an IP phone extension, called the main number and the console rang. The tenant of that IP phone is 1.
I changed the day answer point to the fax extension, called the main number and the fax machine rang. The tenant of the fax ext is 7.
I change the tenant of the cordless to 2 (Guest Rooms), called the main number and the cordless rang.
This system has been installed for a couple of years and this is the first time such an issue has occurred or at least the first time I was notified about it. If the cordless shares the same tenant as the trunks and IP phones, why won't it ring when placed in Night1? In form 6 - Tenant Night Switching Control, tenant 1 is set to Switched for tenants 2-7...and now 8.
This is in a hotel so I have tenanting set up as follows:
1: IP phones & trunks
2: Guest
3: Elevator
4: Pool
5: House phones
6: Vmail
7: Fax
Tenant 1 can call all other tenants
Tenants 2-6 can call other phones in their tenants or only tenant 1.
I assigned tenant 8 to the cordless. Tenant 8 can call all tenants. When the system is in Night1 and I call the main number, the cordless rings.
Any ideas as to why the cordless extension, has tenant 1 assigned to it, will not ring, when the system is set to Night1? I've got it working for now but I'd like to know why so I can learn from it. Thanks