I am trying to use the _chdir() command inorder to jump to a network directory and investigate that directories file tree. I have the program querry the user for the destination drive. The program outputs an error for using the _chdir command (not a compilation error just the command fails and i see the error through error checking within the program). However, i'm almost certain that this command works because if i compile the program on network folder and let it run the it works properly. (The program jumps through the file tree telling me all folders and files in the tree. It does this making use of the changedir when it comes across new folders.) I also displayed the path of the folders it jumps into and try to enter the path how it was displayed. This still gave me an error. I pressume there is some hidden character or something that is being recognized by the computer that isn't being shown on the screen. Any help in this area would be great thanks.