The instring function is your friend. There is probably a more elegant solution, but this is what I came up with quickly.
I tried to account for their not being any Middle Initial and a Last Name showing as for example Allen Lieberman (mine) which is not hypehnated but consists of a two word last name.
Let me know if you have issues:
stringvar name := {@sr}; //replace with your field
stringvar Lname := mid(name,1,InStr(1, name,',')-1) ;
stringvar Fname := if Instr( 1, name, '.') <> 0 then mid(name,InStr(1, name,',')+1, (InStr(name,'.')-2)) + " " else
mid(name,InStr(1, name,',')+1) + " " ;
stringvar MI := if Instr( 1, name, '.') <> 0 then mid(name,Instr( 1, name, '.')-1,2) + " " else "";
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