The last browse below is failing with a "No table is open in the current work area". I'm changing the SqlCmd statement and reissuing the cursorfill() method and there is no 2nd cursor...
What am I doing wrong?
Using VFP9sp2 and SQL Server 2012,
Thanks, Stanley
The last browse below is failing with a "No table is open in the current work area". I'm changing the SqlCmd statement and reissuing the cursorfill() method and there is no 2nd cursor...
SET CLASSLIB TO '............\Classes\_Data_Deedroom.vcx'
lnHandle = Sqlstringconnect('DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=abc;UID=sa;PWD=password6;DATABASE=MyDB')
o.UseCursorSchema = .F.
o.SelectCmd ="Select * from PartyName where party_name like 'Comb%'"
o.DataSourceType = 'ODBC'
o.DataSource = lnHandle
browse * This works...
o.CursorSchema = 'PAGE_TYPE V(40),PARTY_NAME V(52)'
o.SelectCmd ="Select page_type, party_name from PartyName where party_name like 'Lewi%'"
BROWSE * and this does not work...
What am I doing wrong?
Using VFP9sp2 and SQL Server 2012,
Thanks, Stanley