I have a fairly old computer that was running windows me, I found another hard drive that supposedly had a lot more space so I switched them, now I get-
Searching for boot record form floppy..Not Found
Searching for boot record from SCSI.. Not Found
Drive Not Ready
Insert boot Diskette in A:
Press any key when ready
I thought all I needed was a blank floppy-with it I got non-system disk or disk error, replace and strike any key when ready.
-I have no materials for the computer and no reasonable access to another one.
Searching for boot record form floppy..Not Found
Searching for boot record from SCSI.. Not Found
Drive Not Ready
Insert boot Diskette in A:
Press any key when ready
I thought all I needed was a blank floppy-with it I got non-system disk or disk error, replace and strike any key when ready.
-I have no materials for the computer and no reasonable access to another one.