I'm trying to set up a voicemail , whereby the system forwards any unanswered calls to a voicemail account , then for the switchboard operator to be able to call into the mail box and retrieve the msg
i remember doing something like this in the long distant path.. i may be off a bit but here goes... i would consider using attendant overflow...you will need a spare DN with CFWD set to your mail DN then create a new account in mail..
Console overflow calls must be directed to phones with Single Call Ringer or Multiple Call
Ringer as the target DN.
Before making any changes to your overflow take a print of the current set-up. After any amendments take another print to confirm the changes.
LD 21
REQ prt
TYPE att
The AODN (attendant overflow DN) is set in LD 15 the CDB (customer data block) in the ATT (attendant) gate, as follows
LD 15
REQ chg
Hit return until AQTT (enter the overflow timer requirements, in seconds)
AODN (enter the DN you require the overflow to terminate on, in the first instance).
Hit enter through to REQ.
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