I'm running SWC 4.5 SU04 (recently upgraded from SU03 and upgraded to IE 6.0 SP1). After the upgrade, I am not able to schedule, save and view schedule historical reports.
I attempt to view scheduled events or reports I get the error message "could not retrieve the scheduled report list"
When I attempt to save a file, I discover it will only save unscheduled reports.
I checked the scheduled report logs and it says "activeX could not create object"
I am able to ran adhoc reports and print. I just can't print scheduled reports to a printer or network share.
I reset the ICEADMIN password but that didn't seem to work and also reloaded IE 6. Everything else on SWC seems to be working fine.
Can someone provide some insight on what happen. I think it's a permission thing but haven't confirmed yet.
Please help,