I linked to my pc another HD(Western Digital - in a mobile rack), with damaged regitry trying to recover documents.
The primary master is a Maxtor 30GB, the WD (856.8 MB) was first installed as Secondary Master, but at boot WindowsME with blue screen advises setting a compatibility config, dueing to 16 bit addressing of the WD, but the pc was blocked, so I set the WD as secondary slave and the DVD as secondary master, but the WD wasn't once more recognized and the CD icon was MISSED.
I configured the bios to detect the DVD and the hd Western Digital first as AUTO and then as -CD ROM- and -User type HD-, I tried all combinations but the old WD is till now not recognized, sometimes it is detected from BIOS as Western Digital ... but it not works.
I note the info on a side of the primary master (Maxtor) speaks of Cyl, Sector, Heads in a number different from those detected from BIOS, I don't know what to do to recover also the cd icon.
Thanks for every help.
My regards.
The primary master is a Maxtor 30GB, the WD (856.8 MB) was first installed as Secondary Master, but at boot WindowsME with blue screen advises setting a compatibility config, dueing to 16 bit addressing of the WD, but the pc was blocked, so I set the WD as secondary slave and the DVD as secondary master, but the WD wasn't once more recognized and the CD icon was MISSED.
I configured the bios to detect the DVD and the hd Western Digital first as AUTO and then as -CD ROM- and -User type HD-, I tried all combinations but the old WD is till now not recognized, sometimes it is detected from BIOS as Western Digital ... but it not works.
I note the info on a side of the primary master (Maxtor) speaks of Cyl, Sector, Heads in a number different from those detected from BIOS, I don't know what to do to recover also the cd icon.
Thanks for every help.
My regards.