I am new to the Cisco Call Manager Express world. I have two 7961 phones that went bad and I need to replace them. Can someone please tell me the procedure to use to accomplish this task? Thanks!
Are you replacing with existing phones that have already been registered on the system or phones you bought?
If bought:
Plug in the replacement phones phones, allow them to go through their download cycles. Once done look in the Phones page of the GUI and select Add phone, hopefully your replacement phones' MAC addresses are listed in the drop down box. Select and follow the instructions to add extensions.
If existing:
Make sure the phone is plugged in, select it from the phone page using the MAC off the back of the phone, and add the appropriate extensions as needed.
Both are quite simple procedures, but I can understand your trepidation!
You can delete the old phones in the Phone page too. Select and choose delete.
The phones are actually coming from another branch that has the same phone type. That branch does not use the two phones so they offered to give them to the branch that needed them. So I will be doing the existing option you described.
The phones are getting shipped out to the location on Monday so I should be working with them Wednesday or Thursday next week.
Keeping my fingers crossed everything goes well! Thank you for your help!!!!
Go in to settings - Network config - IPv4 - then confirm the TFTP server 1 IP is set to the same as one of your existing phones.
To change it, you will have to put DHCP to no (disabled) then change the settings for the TFTP IP, then put DHCP back to where it started if necessary.
Well, I found a little different way actually! I deleted the two phones out of the gui side and then went into the router side and changed the MAC addresses there on the ephones and then they showed up in the gui part. I just took a shot and it worked! Whe
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