I almost had this working, but one little snag. Thank you everyone for beign so patient with me.
What I need to to is if a custome has only overdue records, then dispay everyone including current. If not I needs to supress the customer group, the invoice group and details.
The records are processed in the invoice group and placed into and aging column. The overdue amount is a running total in the cutstom group footer and so far I have been processing the information based on that.
It works fine for the first record, however the group header is supressed on the following record. I need to resolve this. Anyone have any suggestions?
Here is a sample:
Customer1 1100
SO Current Overdue
SO1 ............. 300 1000
Payment 100
Invoice details (drill Down)
Overdue balance: 1000
I almost had this working, but one little snag. Thank you everyone for beign so patient with me.
What I need to to is if a custome has only overdue records, then dispay everyone including current. If not I needs to supress the customer group, the invoice group and details.
The records are processed in the invoice group and placed into and aging column. The overdue amount is a running total in the cutstom group footer and so far I have been processing the information based on that.
It works fine for the first record, however the group header is supressed on the following record. I need to resolve this. Anyone have any suggestions?
Here is a sample:
Customer1 1100
SO Current Overdue
SO1 ............. 300 1000
Payment 100
Invoice details (drill Down)
Overdue balance: 1000