I'm trying to automate the file export of a large number of small reports in a VB6 program. I can loop through my records and do the exports from within the program OK but each one displays a Page Selection dialog that requires a user to stand around hitting the [Enter] key. Is there any way to supress this so the reports just export one after the other without interruption? I'm using the old Crystal Reports control (OCX). Here's my code:
With Report1
.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\Letter7.rpt"
.ParameterFields(0) = "Letter Date;" & strReportDate _
& ";TRUE"
.Destination = crptToFile
.PrintFileType = crptRTF
.PrintFileName = App.Path & "\" & strAccount & ".rtf"
.PrinterStopPage = 0
.Action = 1
End With
With Report1
.ReportFileName = App.Path & "\Letter7.rpt"
.ParameterFields(0) = "Letter Date;" & strReportDate _
& ";TRUE"
.Destination = crptToFile
.PrintFileType = crptRTF
.PrintFileName = App.Path & "\" & strAccount & ".rtf"
.PrinterStopPage = 0
.Action = 1
End With