The only way I have found to do this is to use a running total, and to calculate it based on a formula, one that gets only the rows that you don't suppress. (Or, just don't select the suppressed rows in the first place--Weed them out in your report selection formula.)<br><br>Carefully test your running totals, however, they tend to be flaky in complex reports. (e.g. Hide certain sections and the hidden numbers drop out of the total; Re-show the section, and voila, the numbers are included in the total the way they should be. Hide the section again, maybe the numbers are added in, maybe they aren't.)<br><br>Also, be careful with your formula that indicates which rows to include in the total. If it contains more than a simple NOT statement, or and AND statement (no OR statements, please), put it in a formula field, and use the formula field. For some reason, the formulas in running totals and for section suppression don't handle "OR" statements well, at least in version 7.<br><br>Mary<br>
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