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Suppressing dimensions 1

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Feb 22, 2006
I have a report with three nested down dimesions:


NY GAP Shirts
GAP Trousers
Old Navy Shirts
Old Navy Trousers
Total Shirts
Total Trousers
NJ GAP Shirts
GAP Trousers
Old Navy Shirts
Old Navy Trousers
Total Shirts
Total Trousers
CT GAP Shirts
GAP Trousers
Old Navy Shirts
Old Navy Trousers
Total Shirts
Total Trousers
Tri-State GAP Shirts
GAP Trousers
Old Navy Shirts
Old Navy Trousers
Total Shirts
Total Trousers

I would want to suppress the Total line of DD2 for the last member of DD1. This is a dynamic report that member of DD3 can be any one of the state or Tri-state depending on what the user has selected.

Is there a way of assigning an array to the member of DD3 and suppress records on the Record selection?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

If user input multiple values for DD3, how do I iterate throught the user's input.
Can you explain what you mean by the "last member of DD1"? Do you mean for the entire report? Technically, the last member of DD1 is the trousers group for each DD2.

Thanks for the reply. I am really in dire need of help for this project.
As an example, user inputs NJ and CT, the only records I want to show on the report is

NJ GAP Shirts
GAP Trousers
Old Navy Shirts
Old Navy Trousers
CT GAP Shirts
GAP Trousers
Old Navy Shirts
Old Navy Trousers
Total Shirts
Total Trousers

The Total line will od DD2 will only show for the last member of DD3.
Hope I explain myself clearly.

Thanks again.
It looks like you want to suppress the group footers and only show the report footer results. Assuming you have groups on DD3, DD2 and DD1, just suppress the group footers for all three and display only the grand totals in the report footer.

If this isn't what you want, using your last example, please show numbers for each group so we can see what total you mean to display.


Monthly Order NY NJ CT
GAP Jan*Monthly T100S Hooded sweat 300 250 175
T100M Hooded sweat 400 475 200
T100L Hooded sweat 450 400 350
T100X Hooded sweat 150 100 75
YTD T100S Hooded sweat 300 250 175
T100M Hooded sweat 400 475 200
T100L Hooded sweat 450 400 350
T100X Hooded sweat 150 100 75
Feb Monthly T100S Hooded sweat 200 200 200
T100M Hooded sweat 300 300 300
T100L Hooded sweat 200 200 200
T100X Hooded sweat 100 100 100
YTD T100S Hooded sweat 500 450 375
T100M Hooded sweat 700 775 500
T100L Hooded sweat 650 600 550
T100X Hooded sweat 250 200 175
Mar Monthly T100S Hooded sweat 50 50 50
T100M Hooded sweat 150 150 150
T100L Hooded sweat 100 100 100
T100X Hooded sweat 50 50 50
YTD T100S Hooded sweat 550 500 425
T100M Hooded sweat 850 925 650
T100L Hooded sweat 750 700 650
T100X Hooded sweat 300 250 225

This is a more realistic sample of my data grid. User will be able to select any 2 or more consecutive months (i.e Feb - May). For all the months, I want the monthly data on the report, but for the last selected month, I want the monthly as well as YTD data. Here's the output if they select Jan - Mar:

T100S Hooded sweat 300 250 175
T100M Hooded sweat 400 475 200
T100L Hooded sweat 450 400 350
T100X Hooded sweat 150 100 75
T100S Hooded sweat 200 200 200
T100M Hooded sweat 300 300 300
T100L Hooded sweat 200 200 200
T100X Hooded sweat 100 100 100
T100S Hooded sweat 50 50 50
T100M Hooded sweat 150 150 150
T100L Hooded sweat 100 100 100
T100X Hooded sweat 50 50 50

T100S Hooded sweat 550 500 425
T100M Hooded sweat 850 925 650
T100L Hooded sweat 750 700 650
T100X Hooded sweat 300 250 225

If they select Jan and Feb, it will show Jan and Feb montluy data and Feb YTD.
Do you have the YTD Figures in a separate group footer section? If not, move them into a GF_b section. Then you can format that section in the section expert. Let's say that it is GF2_b. Select that section->suppress->x+2 and enter:

month({table.date}) <> month(maximum({table.date}))

Thanks for the help so far.

My date is coming in as a string (i,e Jan, Feb, Mar), how can I convert it to numeric value.

I tried:

dateVar d := DateValue({table.date} & ",01,2006")
month(d) <> month(maximum(d))

Did not seem to work.
Try the following to create a formula {@month}:

select {table.date}
case "Jan" : 1
case "Feb" : 2
case "Mar" : 3 //etc.

Then use the following for your suppression formula:

{@month} <> maximum({@month})

Thanks a lot. I wish I could give you multiple stars.
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