I have a detail section that displays reocrds this way:
Name Message Value
Donald Duck Last Name Changed To: Duckington
Donald Duck Last Name Changed To: Duckerson
This report shows records for the last 7 days. If 2 changes were made to Donald Duck within the past 7 days, I only want to should the most recent change. So, I began to write something like this:
If Next ({CNTRCTR.FullName}) = {CNTRCTR.FullName} and Next ({@Message}) = {@Message}
"Suppress the oldest record". This is where I am stuck..
Is there a better way to accomplish want I want? Am I on the right track? Any input would be appreciated...
I have a detail section that displays reocrds this way:
Name Message Value
Donald Duck Last Name Changed To: Duckington
Donald Duck Last Name Changed To: Duckerson
This report shows records for the last 7 days. If 2 changes were made to Donald Duck within the past 7 days, I only want to should the most recent change. So, I began to write something like this:
If Next ({CNTRCTR.FullName}) = {CNTRCTR.FullName} and Next ({@Message}) = {@Message}
"Suppress the oldest record". This is where I am stuck..
Is there a better way to accomplish want I want? Am I on the right track? Any input would be appreciated...