Thanks, I tried doing that before but it didn't seem to supress the records. I guess the problem is a bit difficult for me to explain correctly. What I have is 3 tables
The shipto table contains unique packing slip ids BUT sense I have to join this table to the customer table and then to the customer contact table...I have 20+ records per packing slip. I am suppressing the customer contact email field and only displaying the email address of the contact I need, the rest are blank. This then leaves me with 19+ records per packing slip that I don't need.
I've been messing around with supressing duplicate packing slip numbers (sense I only need 1) and then supressing all the other fields based on the condition that the packing slip number is "". Unfortunatly this does not work sense packing slip is a number and needs to be compared against numbers... =(
Hope this made sense
So if I use this supression formula on all the fields, is there anyway i can get it to work? mabey with a number -> string conversion?
You could also do a suppress of detail lines, a formula like {customer} = Previous({customer}). This is easier for cases where there are not many duplicates.
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