I'm new to this but if I understand correctly the following is saying create to a varible called "noprint" and if both fields return empty then suppress the detail.
shared BooleanVar noprint;
noprint:= isnull({?Manufacturer}) and
isnull ({?MfgPartNumber})then
noprint: = TRUE
I've inserted this into the detail, selection expert, supress blank section, x-2 button.
Now, if that was done correctly how do I write the corresponding forumla to insert in the main report detail section? I tried this but it doesn't suppress the detail in the main report.
shared booleanVar noprint;
I'm also guessing I would insert the correct formula in the detail, selection expert, supress blank section, x-2 button.
shared BooleanVar noprint;
noprint:= isnull({?Manufacturer}) and
isnull ({?MfgPartNumber})then
noprint: = TRUE
I've inserted this into the detail, selection expert, supress blank section, x-2 button.
Now, if that was done correctly how do I write the corresponding forumla to insert in the main report detail section? I tried this but it doesn't suppress the detail in the main report.
shared booleanVar noprint;
I'm also guessing I would insert the correct formula in the detail, selection expert, supress blank section, x-2 button.