One of our Sun Ultra Enteprise 250 servers powered itself down yesterday while I was working in the server room. After checking and reseating the power cables I attempted to restart the server (turned key on front) but nothing happened. No LED's on the front panel at all. On investigation it appears that the single Power supply unit (No redundant PSU) only has the AC light illuminated. The DC light was not on. I then unplugged the PSU from the mains and slid the PSU out (after undoing the captive bolts) and reseated it in the chassis. I then reconnected the PSU power cables and tried to turn the server on. Still no LED lit or power on the front panel.
From what I have seen it seems that the DC part of the Power supply has failed. What is confusing is the Owner manual mentions that a Power supply fault is indicated by the yellow "Power Supply Fault Indicator" light being lit, but this is not the case. Is this because the DC power has failed to it cannot light the warning LED?
I have also read that removing the cover causes the DC power to be cut. The cover has not been removed but is there anyway I can check that this is not the cause of the DC power light on the PSU not being lit?
I am fairly new to Sun hardware so any assistance or hints would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
From what I have seen it seems that the DC part of the Power supply has failed. What is confusing is the Owner manual mentions that a Power supply fault is indicated by the yellow "Power Supply Fault Indicator" light being lit, but this is not the case. Is this because the DC power has failed to it cannot light the warning LED?
I have also read that removing the cover causes the DC power to be cut. The cover has not been removed but is there anyway I can check that this is not the cause of the DC power light on the PSU not being lit?
I am fairly new to Sun hardware so any assistance or hints would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance