I've narrowed down a problem with a Sun Ultra I inhereted. I can telnet in with no problems, however when using Outlook I see, via Network Monitor, that the server is looking for kerberos auth. from another server (which I don't have, as I don't use Kerb. on my portion of the LAN). How do I turn off the kerb. requirement on the Sun? I don't see anything to it in /etc/services or inetd.conf.
Thanks for any assistance.
I've narrowed down a problem with a Sun Ultra I inhereted. I can telnet in with no problems, however when using Outlook I see, via Network Monitor, that the server is looking for kerberos auth. from another server (which I don't have, as I don't use Kerb. on my portion of the LAN). How do I turn off the kerb. requirement on the Sun? I don't see anything to it in /etc/services or inetd.conf.
Thanks for any assistance.