Ok, I have just purchased my first solaris box, its a sparc ultra1.
The hard drive in it was too small so I purchased a bigger second hand hard drive for it.
Now I want to install solaris 9 on it but I am a bit stuck.
I dont know if this hard drive came formatted or not, but after trying to boot i think there may be solaris allready on it. The following is basically what it sais.....
Notice: 64 bit OS installed, but the 32 bit is the defualt for the processors on this system.
booting 32 bit
SunOS release 5.8 Version Generic 32 bit
Can't find driver for for consol framebufferifconfig: plumb : ge3 : bad file number
Then it tells me it cant find some mounts eg. /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s5
Then it sais
WARNING: /usr/bin/fsck not found, most likely the mount of /usr failed or is badly damaged. Either reinstall system or boot with the -b option.
So it looks like to me there is a OS ion it, but has errors booting up.
I tried typing probe-scsi to find my cdrom drive to load the sun cd, but this just freezez the box.
Do I need to format the harddrive before I can install Sun just like on a PC? If so how do I go about this..
thanks for your help....
The hard drive in it was too small so I purchased a bigger second hand hard drive for it.
Now I want to install solaris 9 on it but I am a bit stuck.
I dont know if this hard drive came formatted or not, but after trying to boot i think there may be solaris allready on it. The following is basically what it sais.....
Notice: 64 bit OS installed, but the 32 bit is the defualt for the processors on this system.
booting 32 bit
SunOS release 5.8 Version Generic 32 bit
Can't find driver for for consol framebufferifconfig: plumb : ge3 : bad file number
Then it tells me it cant find some mounts eg. /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s5
Then it sais
WARNING: /usr/bin/fsck not found, most likely the mount of /usr failed or is badly damaged. Either reinstall system or boot with the -b option.
So it looks like to me there is a OS ion it, but has errors booting up.
I tried typing probe-scsi to find my cdrom drive to load the sun cd, but this just freezez the box.
Do I need to format the harddrive before I can install Sun just like on a PC? If so how do I go about this..
thanks for your help....