Ahhh . . . My first time. . . posting that is.
Wanna say right off the bat I am a novice Crystal user.
You may wanna "dumb it down" for me.
Here's the current report output:
Dept ID Fund Amount
E3400 566 5.00
E3400 566 1.00
Here's the desired output. We want to sum amount if Dept ID AND Fund are the same:
Dept ID Fund Amount
E3400 566 6.00
Now the catch is that the Fund is the middle 3 digits of a unique number, i.e. Row 1 is really 55566BIO,
and Row 2 is really 45566BIO. So the query pulls two rows and the substring is two rows and how the Hell do I combine them?
Hope that's enough info. If not, let me know.
I'll check back in on Monday.
Thank you for taking a look.
Wanna say right off the bat I am a novice Crystal user.
You may wanna "dumb it down" for me.
Here's the current report output:
Dept ID Fund Amount
E3400 566 5.00
E3400 566 1.00
Here's the desired output. We want to sum amount if Dept ID AND Fund are the same:
Dept ID Fund Amount
E3400 566 6.00
Now the catch is that the Fund is the middle 3 digits of a unique number, i.e. Row 1 is really 55566BIO,
and Row 2 is really 45566BIO. So the query pulls two rows and the substring is two rows and how the Hell do I combine them?
Hope that's enough info. If not, let me know.
I'll check back in on Monday.
Thank you for taking a look.