Try doing a running total for the subtotal in the group header and then try getting the grand total by doing the same running total and putting it in the group footer. This should get you a subtotal and a grand total.
Nothing prevents you from subtotaling/totaling a calculated field, if what you mean to say is a formula. Read up on using variables, or if the formula always returns a value, then you can drop it into the details and use the standard aggregate functions.
Using real terms will help to provide the best solution, as will:
Crystal version
Database/connectivity used
Example data
Expected output
CR Ver:9
CR to Peachtree (Btrieve)
179413.00 .3263 .1756 9987.06 group footer
413170.00 .3306 .2299 31407.27 "
--------- ----- ----- --------
592587.00 .3263 .2135 41282.60 report footer
abs. val. calc calc calc
correct total of G=41390.33; need total not calc amt.
can't "sum(function)" G; also, "summary", RT not available or do not work.
Thanks, tomwacocpa
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