Well, gang, here we go, again. I've inherited another poorly designed database, from which I am expected to publish reports. This database is based on a number of surveys, which, for the most part, are Yes/No questions. Unfortunately, the data from these surveys has been entered into a seperate database for each of the 5 surveys, all in one table, each. Using the report wizard only produced a "too many fields" message, so, I broke the data (or, at least the fields for the data), into smaller, more manageable tables. What I need to do, now, is either use the data from the original databases, or have the data reentered into the one I designed, and, publish reports for the surveys, indicating the percentage of respondents who answered Yes or No to each question. So, I need to sum the data for each of the fields, first, then have bound controls (text boxes, I'm thinking), set up to handle the summed and percentaged data. Incidentally, I tried to use the field list control, but, it's greyed out, for some reason. It doesn't seem like this should be all that difficult to solve, but, I'm doing this for a charity organization, and, considering that the person who first volunteered for this project put minimal effort into it, I'd like to do it right, so that they won't have to pay somebody else to come in and fix my mistakes. Thanks.