I created two formulas, one for AP and one for AR:
shared numbervar apAmt;
If {RV_GLSA_ROLLING_BAL.GL_YR} = {@Current Year}
If {@month} = 10
If {@Account1} = "1.4010.1" or
{@Account1} in "0.4013.9" to "0.4016.5" or
{@Account1} in "0.4017.1" to "0.4017.4" or
{@Account1} = "1.4040"
I then created a third formula and put it in the RF.
shared numbervar apAmt;
shared numbervar arAmt;
apAmt + arAmt
I was able to get the differences but now I have a formula and would like to have the difference taken from Account 1.1190.99
If {RV_GLSA_ROLLING_BAL.GL_YR} = {@Current Year} Then
If {@month} = 10 Then
If ({@Account1} = "1.1190.99") then -({RV_GLSA_ROLLING_BAL.GL_PER_10_ACCUM_BAL} + {@Elim 5}) else
if ({@Account1} = "1.1180.22" or {@Account1} = "1.1190.77" or {@Account1} = "0.1190.9" or {@Account1} = "0.1401"
or {@Account1} = "1.4010.1" or {@Account1} in "0.4013.9" to "0.4016.5" or {@Account1} = "0.4017.1" to "0.4017.4"
or {@Account1} = "1.4040" or {@Account1} = "1.4510" or {@Account1} = "1.4550.1") then -({RV_GLSA_ROLLING_BAL.GL_PER_10_ACCUM_BAL})
The formula works but I get an error
"A summary has been specified on a non-recurring field - Details: @Consolidated"
Consolidated is another formula to get the total amounts after the eliminating enteries = See brief example.
Column 1 - Amount Current
C2 - Elim Entries (Elim 2 formula)
C3 - Consolidated Amount (Consolidated formeula) - {@Amount Current}+ {@Elim 2}
Thanks for your help
shared numbervar apAmt;
If {RV_GLSA_ROLLING_BAL.GL_YR} = {@Current Year}
If {@month} = 10
If {@Account1} = "1.4010.1" or
{@Account1} in "0.4013.9" to "0.4016.5" or
{@Account1} in "0.4017.1" to "0.4017.4" or
{@Account1} = "1.4040"
I then created a third formula and put it in the RF.
shared numbervar apAmt;
shared numbervar arAmt;
apAmt + arAmt
I was able to get the differences but now I have a formula and would like to have the difference taken from Account 1.1190.99
If {RV_GLSA_ROLLING_BAL.GL_YR} = {@Current Year} Then
If {@month} = 10 Then
If ({@Account1} = "1.1190.99") then -({RV_GLSA_ROLLING_BAL.GL_PER_10_ACCUM_BAL} + {@Elim 5}) else
if ({@Account1} = "1.1180.22" or {@Account1} = "1.1190.77" or {@Account1} = "0.1190.9" or {@Account1} = "0.1401"
or {@Account1} = "1.4010.1" or {@Account1} in "0.4013.9" to "0.4016.5" or {@Account1} = "0.4017.1" to "0.4017.4"
or {@Account1} = "1.4040" or {@Account1} = "1.4510" or {@Account1} = "1.4550.1") then -({RV_GLSA_ROLLING_BAL.GL_PER_10_ACCUM_BAL})
The formula works but I get an error
"A summary has been specified on a non-recurring field - Details: @Consolidated"
Consolidated is another formula to get the total amounts after the eliminating enteries = See brief example.
Column 1 - Amount Current
C2 - Elim Entries (Elim 2 formula)
C3 - Consolidated Amount (Consolidated formeula) - {@Amount Current}+ {@Elim 2}
Thanks for your help