Systems: Crystal reports 10, ODBC to SQL 2000.
Report Premise: Calculate which business clients are new or regained clients for the current year. Do so by checking revenue from the prior year versus the current year. If the client had zero revenue in prior year and greater than zero in current year, the account is new or regained.
Current Report:
Group 1: Account Rep (useridmaster.lastname)
Group 2: Client (account.accountname)
Group 3: Orders (order_header.order_head_order_nbr)
Details: line item detail for the orders
I am able to have each individual account show me the revenue for the account based on the criteria above in “Report Premise.”
This formula is (@ytdnewbusiness):
if Sum ({@priorytdlinetotal}, {account.account_name})=0 and Sum ({@yeartodatelinetotal}, {account.account_name})>0 then Sum ({@yeartodatelinetotal}, {account.account_name}) else 0
Struggle: I am unable to summarize the data for the Account Rep.
(1) Insert summary does not show or allow this field to be summarized.
(2) Running Total Field: I have not been able to figure out a formula that will work doing it as a Running Total Field.
Is there a method to accomplish my goal? As always, I appreciate the support you all offer.
Report Premise: Calculate which business clients are new or regained clients for the current year. Do so by checking revenue from the prior year versus the current year. If the client had zero revenue in prior year and greater than zero in current year, the account is new or regained.
Current Report:
Group 1: Account Rep (useridmaster.lastname)
Group 2: Client (account.accountname)
Group 3: Orders (order_header.order_head_order_nbr)
Details: line item detail for the orders
I am able to have each individual account show me the revenue for the account based on the criteria above in “Report Premise.”
This formula is (@ytdnewbusiness):
if Sum ({@priorytdlinetotal}, {account.account_name})=0 and Sum ({@yeartodatelinetotal}, {account.account_name})>0 then Sum ({@yeartodatelinetotal}, {account.account_name}) else 0
Struggle: I am unable to summarize the data for the Account Rep.
(1) Insert summary does not show or allow this field to be summarized.
(2) Running Total Field: I have not been able to figure out a formula that will work doing it as a Running Total Field.
Is there a method to accomplish my goal? As always, I appreciate the support you all offer.