I'm trying to find our stocking value by multiplying the stocking level for a product times it's cost, which is easy enough, but I can't get it to summarize the results to get a grand total. I'm using SCR 8 and a VFP database.
mbutch: This should be straightforward. Can you detail your formula so that we might see why it won't summarise. David C. Monks
Group 1 (Vendor)
Group 2 (Product number) (Low Level) (In Stock) (Cost) (Low Level * Cost)
Group 2(Suppressed)
Group 1 Sum (Low Level * Cost)
Report Footer Sum (Low Level * Cost)
Like I said, I can't get the Sum function to work for low level * cost
If you create a formula called {@TotCost} which has the formula Level*Cost
You can put this field on the detail band, highlight it (again on the detail band) with your mouse and select Insert-Grand Total or Insert-Subtotal.
Ken Hamady
if ({items.item_state} = "CM" or {items.item_state} = "PI" or {items.item_state} = "PS" or
{items.item_state} = "SH" or {items.item_state} = "SV" or {items.item_state} = "BO" and {cms.odr_date} >= CurrentDate - 84 then {items.quanto} else 0
Sum ({@12weeksales}, {stock.number}) / 12
if NumericText({supplier.note3}[1 to 2]) then ToNumber({supplier.note3}[1 to 2]) else 2
<b>final low level</b>
if {@reorder level} >= .5 then {@reorder level} else
if Sum ({@1yearsales}, {stock.number}) >= 4 then 1 else
if Sum ({@12weeksales}, {stock.number}) >= 2 then 1 else 0
There are a number of formulas used to get the final low level, but I also just tried making a simple multiplication (1*2)and then summing it, and I still couldn't do it.
mbutch: As Ido has stated before you cannot use a formula within a summary if it relies upon a summary itself and it appears that deep down your low_level does indeed rely upon a summary in either final_low_level or 12weekavg. You may have to consider re-engineering this so that the initial calculations are written to disk (i.e. report is exported) and then read into a subsequent report as data e.g. look at exporting first report to ODBC then incorporating CREXPORT table into the second report - you'll be able to summarise and summary then! David C. Monks
This is too deep to get specific, but if you need to sum values that rely on summaries, you can do it using a variable running total. See the FAQ on running totals and use the 3-formula technique. Ken Hamady
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