I am trying to get a sum of a formula which contains variables. The formula field does not show up as an option to be able to summarize. When I tried doing it mannualy, I got an error saying the filed can't be summarized. Is there a workaround?
You could use the three-formula method. Can't tell whether you are trying to summarize at the group level, but let's assume that you are:
//{@reset} to be placed in the group #1 header:
numbervar sumformula := 0;
//{@accum} to be placed in the section where your formula is (detail or group #2 header):
numbervar sumformula := sumformula + {@yourformula};
//{@display} to be placed in the Group #1 footer:
numbervar sumformula;
For additional help, you should provide your report structure (groups,etc.) and also the content of your {@yourformula}.
The above is giving me a 0.00, let me give you more details of my report (I have just been given a couple of changes anyway).
Group#1 - Client
Group#2 - Severity Level
Can have up to 3 groups for each client; high, medium and low
Group#3 - Incident#
Here I have 2 formulas per incident#, OpenToResponse and OpenToClose:
OpenToResponse (the # of hours between the Open time and the status time) = evaluateafter({@Variables});
tonumber((datetimevar Response-datetimevar Open)*24);
OpenToClose (the # of days between the Open time and the Closed time)= evaluateafter({@Variables});
tonumber(datetimevar Closed-datetimevar Open);
The ultimate goal here is to create a chart for each Client that shows the avg OpenToResponse and OpenToClose for each Severity Level (group#2) as well as the avg OpenToResponse and OpenToClose overall.
I really appreciate any help...I've never been great with these variables, and up until now haven't had to use them much....BTW, not sure if it matters, but I am on version 9
I actually need to avg, not sum. I need to average the OpenToResponse and the OpenToClose for each severity level per client.
My {@variables} formula is (placed in RH):
datetimevar Open;
datetimevar Response;
datetimevar Closed;
Open:=NthSmallest (1, {Incident_History.ChangeDate}, {Incident_History.IncidentID});
if previous({Incident_History.ChangeDate})=Open then Response:={Incident_History.ChangeDate};
if {Incident_History.Status}="07. Pending Closure" then Closed:={Incident_History.ChangeDate}else
if {Incident_History.Status}="08. Suspended" then Closed:={Incident_History.ChangeDate}else
if {Incident_History.Status}="09. Deferred to Future Release" then Closed:={Incident_History.ChangeDate}else
if {Incident_History.Status}="11. Closed" then Closed:={Incident_History.ChangeDate} else datetimevalue(0,0,0,0,0,0)
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