We have a formula field that performs this calculation:
IF {Orders.Type} = 0 THEN
Sum ({TT.Value}, {Orders.Number}) - Sum ({TT. ValueBilled}, {Orders.Number}) ) * {@UserRate}
The calculation is performed grouped by Customer then Order.
I cannot summarise this field and cannot use a running total.
{@UserRate} is just {user.rate} / 100 but the user.rate field is linked to the Order.
Any help would be much appreciated
Thanks B
We have a formula field that performs this calculation:
IF {Orders.Type} = 0 THEN
Sum ({TT.Value}, {Orders.Number}) - Sum ({TT. ValueBilled}, {Orders.Number}) ) * {@UserRate}
The calculation is performed grouped by Customer then Order.
I cannot summarise this field and cannot use a running total.
{@UserRate} is just {user.rate} / 100 but the user.rate field is linked to the Order.
Any help would be much appreciated
Thanks B