I have a spreadsheet that tracks data going out and comming in.
Going out i use sumif to total the data like below. I use predefined drop down list to make sure each entry is tracked by their code. Which is where $A4 comes in
Total Sent =SUMIF($C$152:$F$9138,$A4,G$152:G$9138)
However for total return i want to use the same above formula but track the ones that has come back in.
To specify what came back i will change the font of the range to be STRIKETHROUGH.
Can i use sumif like above to count what is outstanding based on cell range which are not strikethrough. Please show me how.
Going out i use sumif to total the data like below. I use predefined drop down list to make sure each entry is tracked by their code. Which is where $A4 comes in
Total Sent =SUMIF($C$152:$F$9138,$A4,G$152:G$9138)
However for total return i want to use the same above formula but track the ones that has come back in.
To specify what came back i will change the font of the range to be STRIKETHROUGH.
Can i use sumif like above to count what is outstanding based on cell range which are not strikethrough. Please show me how.